Gas leaks and repairs.

Gas Leaks are highly hazardous, so if your gas bill is considerably higher than normal, you may have a gas leak. 

Natural gas has no smell. This is why gas companies add a harmless chemical to the gas. This creates a sulphur (rotten egg) smell to help identify any leaks. However, some leaks might not even be noticeable. You may not even hear a hissing sound and get little odour with a small or outdoor leak.  

Even if you have a mild suspicion you might have a gas leak, get it checked out as soon as possible. 

Star Plumbing & Gas have the equipment and experience to detect even the smallest leak. We’ll diagnose using a leak pressure test and locate and efficiently repair the leak. Giving you peace of mind and ensuring there is no safety risk or threat to your family or home. 

Signs of an indoor gas leak. 

Rotten egg smell – Natural gas and liquid propane are naturally colourless and odourless. Gas companies add a harmless chemical known as mecaptan or methanethiol, which gives off a distinctive sulphur smell, like rotten eggs or cabbage. If you can smell this, it’s likely you have a gas leak. 

Health symptoms – Breathing difficulties, dizziness or flu-like symptoms can be caused by gas in the air. If these symptoms disappear when you are away from your home or can’t be explained, you may have a gas leak.

A hissing sound – It’s a hazardous situation if you hear a hissing sound coming from a gas appliance or pipe. This means large quantities of gas are escaping, and it’s extremely dangerous. Don’t try to find or fix the leak yourself. Ventilate the area by opening nearby windows and doors and turn the gas off at the main if it is safe to do so. This is done at your meter by turning the yellow lever perpendicular to the pipe.

Unusual pet behaviour – Pets are much more sensitive to air quality than humans. That’s why they used to take canaries into coal mines. If your pet is displaying unusual behaviour, is vomiting, is lethargic or lacks appetite, you may have a gas leak. 

Dead plants. House plants are extremely sensitive to gas buildups and may die even before you can detect the smallest of leaks. Struggling house plants can indicate you have a slow gas leak that is otherwise undetectable to yourself. 

Signs of an outdoor gas leak. 

Air Movement – Leaking underground pipes can cause air movement on the ground surface and move dirt and plants around. If the leak large enough to do this, you should also be able to smell rotten eggs. 

Ground Bubbles – Moist ground or a puddle that bubbles may be hiding a gas leak.

Dying garden plants – As mentioned, plants are very sensitive to changes in air quality. If they come in contact with gas they will die or become discoloured. 

Dry spots – Gas leaks can dry out moist ground. If you see an unexplained dry spot in a normally moist area, you may have an underground gas leak. 

If you suspect a gas leak, don't risk it. Give us a call as soon as possible. Better to be safe than sorry.

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