Why Choose Us?

Some Of Our Services
Simon is a top rate plumber of the old school variety! He is reliable, efficient, friendly always helpful and very knowledgeable. I have complete trust in his work. No hesitation to highly recommend.
My downpipe was blocked, and a recent intense storm caused minor flooding when the backwash erupted above ground. My call to Simon resulted in friendly, prompt and reliable service, and he cleared the blockage for us. I recommend this plumbing and gas service for any maintenance issues and with no rip-off fees.
Simon and his team are amazingly talented and found the cause of the blockage which the other plumber was not able to find and fix. The other plumber was suggesting two days’ worth of work which Simon and his team fixed in an hour. I am highly impressed by the honesty and professionalism of the Star Plumbing team and recommend them without any hesitation.
We offer our services, 24 hours a day, seven days a week to the following suburbs:
Weston Creek- Chapman, Duffy, Fisher, Holder, Rivett, Stirling, Waramanga, Weston Creek.
Woden Valley- Chifley, Curtin, Farrer, Garran, Hughes, Isaacs, Lyons, Mawson, O’Malley, Pearce, Phillip, Swinger Hill, Torrens.
Molonglo Valley- Denman Prospect, Coombs, Molonglo, Sulman, Whitlam, Wright,
Tuggeranong- Banks, Bonython, Calwell, Chisholm, Conder, Fadden, Gilmore, Gordon, Gowrie, Greenway, Isabella Plains, Kambah, Macarthur, Monash, Oxley, Richardson, Theodore, Wanniassa.
Belconnen- Aranda, Belconnen, Bruce, Charnwood, Cook, Dunlop, Evatt, Florey, Flynn, Fraser, Giralang, Hawker, Higgins, Holt, Kaleen, Latham, Lawson, Macgregor, Macnamara, Macquarie / Jamison Centre, McKellar, Melba, Page, Scullin, Spence, Strathnairn, Weetangera.
Canberra Central- Acton, Ainslie, Barton, Braddon, Campbell, Capital Hill, Canberra City / Civic, Deakin, Dickson, Downer, Forrest, Fyshwick, Griffith, Hackett, Kingston, Lyneham, Narrabundah, O’Connor, Parkes, Red Hill, Reid, Russell, Turner, Watson, Yarralumla.
Gungahlin- Amaroo, Bonner, Casey, Crace, Forde, Franklin, Gungahlin, Harrison, Jacka, Kenny, Kinlyside, Mitchell, Moncrieff, Ngunnawal, Nicholls, Palmerston, Taylor, Throsby.
Jerrabomberra- Beard, Hume, Oaks Estate, Symonston.
Majura- Canberra Airport, Pialligo.
Queanbeyan– Crestwood, Environa, Googong, Greenleigh, Karabar, Queanbeyan East & West, The Ridgeway.